Chapter L — Dedication of the New Church. (1884)
Chapter L
Dedication of the New Church. (1884)
This year at last was completed our new church begun by dear Father Schoenmakers in 1872. Father John T. Kuhlmann Superior of St. Francis Institution was the one who had the honor of accomplishing this noble work.
The church is all built of neat sandstone, its architecture is in the old Tuscan style. Simple but very solid and majestic in all its parts. A most ancient monogram of the name of Jesus Christ, such of can be seen in old oriental churches, ornaments every key stone of the building. The whole structure has been perfectly finished, with the exception of the tower, which when funds will allow it, will be raised 50 feet higher. This done it will stand 150 feet over the ground.
The church was dedicated on the feast of its titular St. Francis de Hieronymo, which happens on the 11th of May, and as such a day this year came on Sunday, the number of people who witnessed the ceremony of the dedication was very large, so much so, that though the edifice may accommodate 2,000 persons, on this occasion so was it filled up, that many could get no admittance in it.
The Ceremony was performed by Rt. Rev. John Hogan D.D. Bishop of Kansas City Missouri, in place of Rt. Rev. Louis M. Fink O.S.B. Bishop of Leavenworth, who on account of previous given appointments, could not attend himself.
Great indeed was our joy of that day, but how much greater would it not have been if he, who had laid the first stone on this sacred building, would have been allowed to celebrate in it, the first Mass! But God had disposed differently, we had to acquiesce to his will and I was called to fill up the Father’s place. However, if the dear Father was willing, he was by no means forgotten. O No! For his name was heard sounding again and again from the silvery lips of Bishop Hogan, who in the most eloquent sermon he delivered on the occasion, he called to the mind of the people the many virtues, by which the life of the Father had been remarkable, and declared that this Church would stand as his monument for many years to come.
This year at last was completed our new church begun by dear Father Schoenmakers in 1872. Father John T. Kuhlmann Superior of St. Francis Institution was the one who had the honor of accomplishing this noble work.
The church is all built of neat sandstone, its architecture is in the old Tuscan style. Simple but very solid and majestic in all its parts. A most ancient monogram of the name of Jesus Christ, such of can be seen in old oriental churches, ornaments every key stone of the building. The whole structure has been perfectly finished, with the exception of the tower, which when funds will allow it, will be raised 50 feet higher. This done it will stand 150 feet over the ground.
The church was dedicated on the feast of its titular St. Francis de Hieronymo, which happens on the 11th of May, and as such a day this year came on Sunday, the number of people who witnessed the ceremony of the dedication was very large, so much so, that though the edifice may accommodate 2,000 persons, on this occasion so was it filled up, that many could get no admittance in it.
The Ceremony was performed by Rt. Rev. John Hogan D.D. Bishop of Kansas City Missouri, in place of Rt. Rev. Louis M. Fink O.S.B. Bishop of Leavenworth, who on account of previous given appointments, could not attend himself.
Great indeed was our joy of that day, but how much greater would it not have been if he, who had laid the first stone on this sacred building, would have been allowed to celebrate in it, the first Mass! But God had disposed differently, we had to acquiesce to his will and I was called to fill up the Father’s place. However, if the dear Father was willing, he was by no means forgotten. O No! For his name was heard sounding again and again from the silvery lips of Bishop Hogan, who in the most eloquent sermon he delivered on the occasion, he called to the mind of the people the many virtues, by which the life of the Father had been remarkable, and declared that this Church would stand as his monument for many years to come.

Some Reference Information.
This is a drawing of St. Francis de Heironymo Catholic Church, and the St. Francis Church grounds, as they looked in at the time of dedication (April 1884). The buildings shown are (front to rear):
This is a drawing of St. Francis de Heironymo Catholic Church, and the St. Francis Church grounds, as they looked in at the time of dedication (April 1884). The buildings shown are (front to rear):
- The Church
- The Jesuit Monastery (later replaced by the Passionist Monastery).
- The Original log church (It remained in place, as a laundry and game room, until it was razed in 1888. It was the last of the mission buildings to be torn down.)
- The St. Francis Institute main college building,